Chris and I are doing road trips to the Bay Area or Nevada every month or two right now. And somehow the timing of these always has us driving on weekends, around the time my favorite radio show, Car Talk, is on. This would would work out great except for one thing: we invariably spend half of the time the show is broadcast futzing around with the radio trying to figure out which local station to tune into for this.
NPR actually offers a pretty decent solution – The NPR Radio Map – but there really should be an online companion to this, no? Unfortunately nothing of the kind exists … until now! After a bit of fudge-muckery, I’m proud to present The First Official(ly unofficial) Online NPR Station Map
Check it out.
7 responses to “NPR Station Mashup”
This is great. My brother and I had the same idea on a roadtrip from NYC towards the Rockies the week before Christmas. We kept losing This American Life during a very cool show. I am glad someone did this. Even though we thought it would be cool, we barely know our own zip code, let alone enoguh code to interface with the Google API. Keep up the good work!
Great job on this mashup. We did the same thing as GPS Points of Interest that can be loaded onto your GPS unit. The mashup you did is great to see the spatial distribution of the towers. The signal strength aspect of the implementation is great. Thanks so much. Very helpful.
A great service! Really! I have been an NPR fan since I worked at an NPR station in grad school, 1972-3. This service was long overdue. I keep my own databases on NPR growth, but I am old man and don’t have many computer skills.
If you used the NPR PDF list of 9/2006, which had been the one on their website until they went Beta –and nothing opens as of this day, 4/21/2007, you may be interested in the following stations that have gone on/added NPR since then:
Tacoma WA 90.1 KPLI on 9/18/06
Sutherland-Manchester VT 95.1 WJAN on 11/21
During 2007
Juneau 100.7 KXLL on 1/25
Juneau 102.7 KRNN on 1/25
Heathsville VA 89.1 WCNV ondate uncertain
Harrisonburg VA 91.7 WEMC 2/19
Kankakee IL 91.1 WKCC 2/19
Platteville WI 89.1 WSSW 2/9
Keep up the great work; your site needs to be better known!
Freaking awesome!!! My mind is blowing up! I am only barely comprehending the endless possibilities of web mashups and then to stumble upon this…an idea that I’ve had a hundred times in the last few years touring the states playing drums in band…..and for the exact same reason….because I love listening to Car Talk! I love it!
This is awesome! I travel for a living and am often desperate for NPR at times when I’m in the middle of nowhere…like now in Burlington, CO. Good job!
Could you export this to a kml file?
I tried your new NPR stations online road-trip gadget and I think it is a great idea, but I am not sure if it is functioning properly or if I didn’t. After putting in the starting point – East Syracuse, Ny and the ending point – San Angelo, Tx, a screen came up with a map covering the east to Central US, on which was drawn an appropriate route between the two points Simultaneosly a message saying something like “we have asked google for directions” flashes on the screen. I tried it twice and waited about three minutes the first time and about five minutes the second before giving up.
Please let me know via email what the problem is. Thanks
OK, I tried the road-trip gadget again, this time trying a shorter distance – from East Syracuse, ny to New York City, a much shorter distance than my previous attempt. As I am typing now, the message with the green rotating graphic is still spinning (it is in another tab and I just checked). . . . 2 minutes later, checked again, still spinning.