Maybe it’s because dogs don’t see color…
I’ll admit it, we watch a fair bit of TV. It’s a mixed bag of stuff – MythBusters, CSI, The Daily Show, NFL Football, Hockey – visually and aurally pretty stimulating stuff I think. Yet regardless of what’s on, our dog, Roni, remains profoundly oblivious. She chews her tennis ball, or lies in her bed,…
SolutionsProblemsJust a quick little post for anyone who happens to be looking for some place to register a domain: Avoid Network Solutions like the plague. Their service is overpriced, their website is nearly unusable, and their customer support department is either incompetent or deceptive (or both). On the positive side, I continue to be really…
I’ve mentioned from time to time how keeping a blog has shaped not just my ability to write, but also to be a critical thinker. It has raised my awareness of the value of speaking clearly and eloguently. That point was driven home again today while I was looking into the [geeky protocol I’m playing…
Open Source Culture
I gave a presentation to the local tech meetup here in Bend yesterday, about Open Source Culture and how it’s impacting businesses beyond the software industry. Truth be told, it was less a presentation and more just a series of slides around which the group could have a conversation. But it was fun, and hopefully…
The Dog Ate Our Email
The White House has “lost” 5 million official emails over a 2 year period. As much as I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow that this was unintentional, I simply cannot. The powers responsible for managing the information systems of the White House are fully aware of not only…