The Calm Before the Calm
I’m leaving to go on a 7-day, 450 mile bike ride in about 4 hours. I haven’t packed yet; there is so much to do, but it will all happen soon enough. There is time for one last blog entry. It’s dark out this morning. The night sky is clear, yet here in Oregon magic…
Canyon Coda, Part Deux
Okay, enough of the schmaltzy talk about Canyon spirituality. Here’s why the Canyon river trips really rock! How would you like to have this this view from your bathroom. And, yes, those boxes in the lower left are in fact the toilet. Just be glad there isn’t more detail.
Coda for the Canyon
I’ve just returned from a river trip through the Grand Canyon. My fifth such trip. And as compelled as I feel to share the experience I doubt I’ll be able to properly … or that anyone could for that matter. A Canyon river trip is a transcendent experience. Most visitors to the Canyon spend a…
Fishing – part II, III and IV
I’ve been meaning to write about my ongoing fishing expeditions, but haven’t quite mustered the time and energy. I actually had a new project start up which has diverted my energies, but there appears to be a little bit of a hiatus while my client does some shuffling around of… well… me, I suppose. I’ve…
A Fly Fishing Pretense
I went fly fishing today, in the purist sense of the sport. That is to say, I lost a couple flies, got both my shoes wet, and didn’t see anything that even the most optimistic of fishermen would call a fish. That wasn’t unexpected however. It’s been almost 20 years since I last tried this.…