White Sewing Machine Manuals
See that picture? That’s about what it felt like as I was trying to track down the manual for the White #999 sewing machine I bought at a garage sale last week. I’ll explain below, but if you happen to find this page while on a similar search let me save you a bunch of…
Hakkerz say, “Upgradz!”
As you can see, the site has a new look this morning. It’s not entirely voluntary, however. Much to my chagrin I discovered that Google seemed to think my site was a great source of information about Viagra and various other prescription drugs. After a little scrounging around, I discovered my WordPress installation (i.e. this…
Correction: Web 2.0 Sucks For Reviews
There’s an interesting phenomenon taking place lately that I find a bit disturbing. It has to do with how consumers are leveraging their newly discovered online powers of opinion. In principle, I think empowering people by given them tools to communicate with one another is a good thing – people should be able to be…
The Software Paperweight
There, I did it. I’ve set my away message on AIM to, “On Skype (as Broofa)”, and am quietly tucking it into a dusty corner of my desktop. Possibly, hopefully, never to be used again. Okay, okay, I’m not quite that serious about it. Heck, this’ll probably only last ’til my next reboot, but still.…
Camping Out, American Style
Does anyone else find it horrifying that people have started lining up to get the new Sony Playstation… 9 days before it’s going to be in stores??? Actually what I find horrifying is not that these people are this rabid about the new Playstation (which does look pretty cool, btw). No, what is most disturbing…