The Free Fall Research Page
For you holiday travelers heading for the airport, we have The Free Fall Research Page Much will depend on your attitude. Don’t let negative thinking ruin your descent.
Weighing In
For better or worse, I’ve developed the habit of weighing myself on a fairly regular basis. We have a decent digital bathroom scale and, when I’m unencumbered by weighty accessories (i.e. clothes), I’ll hop on it to see what the ‘ol “Fatass Factor” is, as it’s affectionately known around here. I probably do this once…
This Week’s Guilty Pleasure
For anyone that has more than one or two components in their home entertainment system (i.e. most of us), having a good universal remote is important. Unfortunately the choices seem to be “powerful, convenient, and really pricey” or “affordable but barely does the job”. The remote we’ve been using for the last seven years, the…
Hakkerz say, “Upgradz!”
As you can see, the site has a new look this morning. It’s not entirely voluntary, however. Much to my chagrin I discovered that Google seemed to think my site was a great source of information about Viagra and various other prescription drugs. After a little scrounging around, I discovered my WordPress installation (i.e. this…
JSLitmus – A Tool For Testing JavaScript Performance