Documenting JavaScript – jGrouseDoc
Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time searching for (and even creating) tools that do automatic documentation of JavaScript. As anyone familiar with this issue can attest to, it’s not an easy problem to solve, and the tools available seem to yield mediocre results at best. There is, however, a new entry into…
NAHBS Photos
Just wanted to share a little bike porn eye candy with you folks. I went to the North American Handmade Bicycle Show a few months back and took the following photos. The best part is, NAHBS is coming to Portland next year. ‘Can’t wait!
Open Source Culture
I gave a presentation to the local tech meetup here in Bend yesterday, about Open Source Culture and how it’s impacting businesses beyond the software industry. Truth be told, it was less a presentation and more just a series of slides around which the group could have a conversation. But it was fun, and hopefully…
The Dog Ate Our Email
The White House has “lost” 5 million official emails over a 2 year period. As much as I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow that this was unintentional, I simply cannot. The powers responsible for managing the information systems of the White House are fully aware of not only…
Using a router as a switch/hub
The ability to use a router as a hub is probably common knowledge in some circles, but Google yielded surprisingly little useful information on the topic. So here’s my weekly contribution to the geek knowledge base… Your average home computer user will eventually find themselves using a router to take better advantage of their broadband…