Firefox 2.0 does Spell Checking
Not sure if you noticed, but Firefox2.0 RC2 shipped a week or two ago. The changes are pretty subtle for the most part. New icons, slightly different behavior for tabs and… well… some other stuff most users won’t notice. Not really major-version worthy, if you ask me. … but wait. There’s one feature that makes…
Jonathan Coulton – Code Monkey
Wow, here’s another one of those “God, I love the Internet!” moments. Long story made short: While searching for artwork for some screen mockups I’m working on, I stumbled across Jonathan Coulton‘s website. Jonathan is a post-dot-com, troubadour whose music blends clean, crisp melodies with lyrics that are interesting, quirky, funny, and about a dozen…
Last Summer Blast
I don’t know about other parts of the world, but here in Bend there is a palpable sense of summer (and even fall?) drawing to a close. We’ve already had a couple nights where it’s dipped into the 20’s, and the week before last had a definite bite to it: cool days, overcast skies and…
Chain (Theater) of Fools
It’s official, I’m well and truly done with the theater chains. This was not triggered by a single event that left me bitter and disenchanted. No, it’s merely that over the years they have managed to slowly squeeze the magic out of the movie-going experience. A night out at the movies is simply no longer…
UI App Rants
Disclaimer: This is your typical rant – it’s purely selfish in nature, there is no underlying purpose, no hidden social or political commentary, and no wisdom to be gained. It’s just me, griping about minutia that really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. After a long hiatus, I’m back to doing UI mockups.…