Legos or Mousetrap?
I just read Dan Russell’s “getting people to decide” post over on the “Creating Passionate Users” blog. (A pretty decent blog, btw, if you’re into web site/application development. I’ve added it to my [sparse] collection of RSS feeds I subscribe to.) I was struck by the conclusion of their post, which reads: Here’s the bottom…
This Morning’s Subconscious
This morning Christene looks at me and says, “I had a dream last night where David Hasselhoff was chasing me through a praline factory.” I’m not quite sure what to make of this. She says it’s probably because we saw the trailer for “Click” which features Mssr. David, and she’s been hungry due to her…
The Web2.0: Social Networks
A few months back, I took a stab at defining “The Web2.0”. Essentially, I wrote that the Web2.0 was about web applications that played nicely with other web applications, regardless of who “owned” them. I still think I have that part right, but I missed an important half of the equation. The Web2.0 is also…
Pole, Pedal, Paddle Serendipity
Our first ever visit to Bend happened to be the day they ran the 2004 Pole, Pedal, Paddle race. Our friends took us down to the amphitheater where the racers were finishing and we strolled around the booths looking at energy bars, racing clothes, and active footwear. All while enjoying the spicy scent of damp…
Fixed Gears & Newton’s Inverse Law
I’m back in Oregon now, after having spent a week working at Google in Mountain View. I was car-less for the whole week, using the fixed-gear bike I wrote about last time to commute around. The bike rode wonderfully, although I have to confess it definitely took some getting used to. Fixed-gears require a different…