The Cost of the Moral High Ground
Recent headlines: Microsoft Shuts Blog’s Site After Complaints by Beijing (and later recants) Google to Censor China Web Searches (and provides their rational) Online game warns gay-lesbian guild (and provides their rational) All of these articles deal with a fundamental business issue: As companies depend more and more on audiences that are taken from the…
Game Design to Banjo Theft
So here I am, doing a little legwork for Star Sweeper (the MineSweeper knock-off I’ve been working on). While surfing the web in an attempt to find decent artwork for it I stumbled across William Whitaker’s Art Studio. It’s a lovely little walk through the space of a portrait artist. And the best part is…
A Taste of Love
I have often thought that dogs must be some of the most superstitious creatures on this planet. Think about it; they are domesticated, which means they rely on us, these funny two-legged apes, for pretty much everything. Yet we share no common language, so even if we could be bothered, there’s no way to explain…
Broofa’s Readability Analyzer
Okay, this one goes out to all you hard-core geeks out there! I’d like to introduce Broofa’s Readability Analyzer. For the Impatient What is it? A tool for determining web page readability. What’s it do? At the bottom of every web page, you’ll see how “readable” the page is, based on a combination of computed…
The census bureau recently published the latest data about life expectancy here in the U.S. It turns out (not too surprisingly) that we’re living longer than ever – a toothless-gum smacking 77.6 years. I read this a few weeks back and promptly forgot about it. However a couple days later I woke up with the…