A Forgotten Note
I was just reminded of a clipping from the Cycle Oregon newsletter that has been sitting in my wallet for two months now, hidden among the receipts for gas and Chinese take-out. It’s too good not to share … Remember life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in…
The Social Bits
I’ve recently been pondering what it means to be a software developer, and the ways in which it is changing. I have been programming professionally for almost 20 years now, and I come from a generation of programmers that grew up with computers that were more like toasters than network appliances. Programming was, by nature…
Blueberry Metaphysics
Breakfast – October 16, 2005 My Wife and I have sat down to breakfast at Ca’ Pisani, one of the nicer hotels here in Venice. Eggs, bacon, cereal, the usual continental breakfast fare. I have taken the time to make a couple slices of toast, and selected a a nice blueberry preserve to bring back…
Wisdom in Algorithms, Part II – The Documentation of Life
[This is part 2 of an ongoing series of discussions on aspects of computer programming that transcend the software industry. Part one can be found here.] In many ways, software projects are like ancient civilizations. They live, breathe, thrive for a brief period of time and then their members are thrown to the four winds,…
You’ve Got … $!#*@!
About 5 years ago, I stumbled upon the perfect way to deal with email: I simply let my inbox fill up, then once every three months I take all my messages, sent and received, and drop them into an archive folder corresponding to whatever the current year is. It’s wonderful. No managing folders, no worrying…