JavaScript Inheritance Performance
One area of the Prototype JavaScript library that I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with is its support for mimicing OO inheritance. The ability to call $super from within a function to refer to a superclass’ implementation is pretty darn cool, but I’ve found myself more and more annoyed at having to…
Thank You Sisyphus
When I woke up this morning, I’d resigned myself to not blogging about today’s presidential inauguration. Not because it’s not special or blog-worthy, of course, but because it’s going to get so much attention that I just didn’t think I’d have much to add. However I just read Aaryn Belfer’s latest post about how Obama…
To Kindle, or Not To Kindle …
One of the things I love about Bend is our public library. It is a centerpiece of our community – friendly, modern, useful, and bustling with activity. Which is why I was delighted to see that in these troubled economic times library use is up 10%. It flies in the face of long-running predictions that…
“I still have room to love a sweetheart …”
I have not been so moved recently, as when I noticed that Richard Stallman’s personal ad has this HTTP header: Last-Modified: Fri, 18 May 2007 22:48:07 GMT He has done so much for software developers, for anyone who uses a computer really, and is so under appreciated. I hope he finds happiness (and learns to…